Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Zara's Baby Day

It was a really fun day.  Mama wrapped around me a Moby Wrap.  Also, this girl baby had just been born.  But it wasn't real.  It was a toy.  The baby had a cute little bow on it.  Can you see the cute little bow on the picture?  Do you see my lovely hair too?

There was one problem.  The problem was the baby's milk bottle wasn't working.  That is because it didn't show the milk.  I pretended that the milk was in there.  And I gave it to the baby.

I had three babies today.  They were born today.  Now that I've talked about the baby girl, there are two boys that were born today too.  The girl baby was named Summer.  The boy babies were named Candy and Bubba.

The babies sleep in a box.  That is their bed.  They have a polka dot purple pillow.  The babies have a blue blanket.  I'm going to go ahead and play with my babies right now.

The end of Zara's Baby Day.

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